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Justin Sane
7 Sep 2023 11:51 am
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razoo » 07 Sep 2023, 11:06 am » wrote: Trump the anti American leading the insurrection cannot run for president it is that simple. Others will become
more familiar with as we move forward as they become ineligible to run for any government office.
Stating things, doesn't make them true - not even when Democrats do it. If you're going to state that Trump led an insurrection, you're going to have to unpack that in a legal sense - which leads to:

1) Demonstrate an insurrection/attempted insurrection took place. If you can't do this, you can't possibly demonstrate anyone led it or took part in it. That's going to have a number of stumbling blocks since the only people who have stated one did take place, are pig-ignorant about such matters and have enormous political bias and/or TDS. However, one agency that probably has a lot greater authority to judge this, has said an insurrection didn't take place. The FBI.. not an agency that's exactly well known for being partial to Donald Trump, but they stated it nonetheless.

https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/opin ... -january-6

2) Assuming you can show an insurrection took place (pro-tip, it wasn't an insurrection and so even in the **** up lop-sided legal system the US has at the moment, I'm pretty certain the attempt will fail), you'd then have to demonstrate Trump knowingly played an active role in it and/or led it. Very, very unlikely you will achieve that as it would require a standard of evidence you simply don't have. If the FBI doesn't have it, then neither does Rachel Madcow

3) He was technically still president at the time, which introduces a number of nut-spankingly obvious complications

Until both 1 and 2 are satisfied (however long that takes, including potential appeals etc) - forget it - you can't even test the applicability of that amendment to someone who was technically still president. You can't just call someone an insurrectionist and expect the legal system to jump to attention and destroy their lives based purely on your whimsical beliefs - even if (and I want to make this absolutely clear) even if the defendant's second name happens to be Trump

No, I'm not raking through history to 'provide links'. If you can't directly dispute a point, then question your own links.
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